The twelve branches of Create Wealth Communities

The twelve branches of Create Wealth Communities include an organizational strategy team, a strategic partnerships group, a finance company, a land development circle, a leadership and empowerment syndicate, a nourishment organization, a blockchain, and cryptocurrency suite, an arts and entertainment partnership, a construction collection, a property management crew, realty pool, and a trusts division.

CWealthC Organizational Strategy Team
Our strategic operations and consulting branch.
Educating, building and protecting plans for each business.
CWealthC Strategic Partnerships Group
Our connecting, combining and creating branch.
                                    Teaching endurance alignment methods for professional projects and visions.
CWealthC Finance Company 
Our fiscal liquidity and leverage branch.
Providing a moral platform provider for deal structuring and capital provision. 
CWealthC Land Development Circle
Our natural resources administration branch. 
Stewarding, preserving and developing land and all it has to offer.
CWealthC Leadership and Empowerment Syndicate
Our professional development branch. 
                                    Developing human capital by changing societal norms. 
CWealthC Nourishment Organization
Our fundamental human needs branch.  
                                    Delivering sustainable food, water, air, dirt, and energy solutions.
CWealthC Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Suite
Our digital global transactions branch. 
Deciphering the architecture and design of blockchain technology and digital currency.
CWealthC Arts and Entertainment Partnership
Our enhancing and channeling creatives branch. 
Combining business and creativity tactics in unison to educate creatives.
CWealthC Construction Collection
Our planning and building systems branch.
Building and repurposing residential and commercial structures. 
CWealthC Property Management Crew
Our holdings maintenance and communication branch. 
                                    Overseeing the equity maintenance of real estate property relationships.
CWealthC Realty Pool
Our real estate education and acquisition branch.
Highlighting the tactics and strategies for buying, selling and investing in real estate. 
CWealthC Trusts Division
Our financial structure and protection branch. 

                                    Organizing, building and allocating personal and philanthropic wealth.

Create Wealth Communities is an Educational Operations and Communications Development Group. CWealthC: Educate, Build, Protect, Then Profit. For more information on consulting, partnerships and the 12 branches, visit:
